Public engagement events

The Greek play is an occasion which brings together academic research with contemporary theatre practice, and showcases it to a wider audience, and for the last few years we've been keen to arrange a programme of events which explores this interface.

This year we're going to be running a series of academic lectures and interactive workshops which are all free (thanks to the generous support of the Hellenic Society) and available to the public. The programme is on our website at as well as details on how to book. We've been lucky to attract some really talented young theatre directors to be involved in this. Two of the directors coming are graduates of the famous theatre school Ecole Jacques Lecoq, whose training course draws on several aspects of ancient drama, including choral movement and mask-work; the third, Matthew Hiscock is both a director and a scholarly expert on Greek drama, and so he's in a unique position to combine academic and practical expertise. We've also got our own UCL academics speaking alongside Professor Judith Mossman from Nottingham, who is a leading expert on Euripides. It's a really exciting programme, so do come along!  

We're hoping to film a short roundtable discussion between the directors and some of our own academics on how scholarship on Greek drama can enhance modern performances and vice versa, so watch this space for further details in due course.


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