Welcome from this year's Greek play team!

Euripides’ BACCHAE 


The Bacchae is Euripides’ last play – written shortly before his death – and within it the greek tragedian encapsulates what it means to be a human being. It is a unique tragedy that explores 
the darkest corners of human nature; its raw and animalistic side.  

How far is one capable of going?  

The Bacchae searches deep into the human soul and confronts humans’ worst fears: pain, sorrow, and disgrace. Euripides’ play portrays the undesired emotionalism which can lead human crowds into inhuman conduct.  

Our  production  allows  modern  audiences  to  meet  Dionysus  -  god  of  pleasure,  madness,  and liberation - in a mad Bacchic frenzy as a state of delusion which holds the human body at the centre of its creation. Euripides has created an enthralling piece: a game of antithetical forces, where sanity and madness come to conflict.   

In a performance-ritual about the battle between human instincts and human wisdom, join us for a dark celebration of the exotic and the ecstatic; for a journey of no time and no space into the ‘otherness’ of the human self.  

A game of fragmented identities 
A game of revenge and punishment.  
A game of life. And death. 

Directed by Emily Louizou 
Associate Director Kyriaki Ioannidou 
Producer Hayley Russell

Assistant Producer Amy Gwinnett
Assistant Director Sasha Stamp


Eirini Papantoniou
Moa Taylor
Cora Burridge
Bryony Bedingham
Sybilla Pereia
Cara Fay
Tanvi Punatar
Charlotte Holtum
Sophie Nuber
Harriet Alway
Mercedes Bromwich
Polly Cohen
Faidra Faitaki
Alisha Iyer
Helena Gadelha

Dionysus' Followers
Gavin Davies
Matthew Wagaine

Dionysus - Pavlos Christodoulos
Pentheus - Adam Woolley
Cadmus - Jack Tivey
Teiresias - Madi Anderson
Agave - Charlotte Holtum

Messenger 1 - Alfie Tees
Messenger 2 - Jamie Sillitoe
Messenger 3 - Alistair Rooms

Akshay Nugent
Akhil Malhan
Florent Simon
Hayden Munt
Stephanos Stephanides
David Anzolin
Nick Leah
is Euripides’ last play – written shortly before his
death – and within it the greek
tragedian encapsulates what it means to be a human b
eing. It is a unique tragedy that explores
the darkest corners of human nature; its raw and ani
malistic side.
How far is one capable of going?
searches deep into the human soul and confronts hu
mans’ worst fears: pain,
sorrow, and disgrace. Euripides’ play portrays the
undesired emotionalism which can lead
human crowds into inhuman conduct.
Our production allows modern audiences to meet Diony
sus - god of pleasure, madness, and
liberation - in a mad Bacchic frenzy as a state of
delusion which holds the human body at the
centre of its creation. Euripides has created an et
hralling piece: a game of antithetical forces,
where sanity and madness come to conflict.
In a performance-ritual about the battle between hu
man instincts and human wisdom, join us
for a dark celebration of the exotic and the ecstat
ic; for a journey of no time and no space into
the ‘otherness’ of the human self.
A game of fragmented identities
A game of revenge and punishment.
A game of life. And death.
Directed by Emily Louizou
Associate Director Kyriaki Ioannidou
Producer Hayley Russell


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